Esri Community Redesign


Reinvision a space for Esri customers, partners, staff, and others in the GIS and geospatial professional community to connect, collaborate and gather to help each other find solutions.

Information Architecture

Since the community had outgrown it’s initial structure, one of our main objectives was to get a better understanding of how to reorganize the content. This reorganization needed to consider 3 things:

How are user using the platform now and what topics are they talking about?

How do we bucket those topics into meaningful spaces and what types of interaction styles should we consider?

How do we create a structure that is scalable for the future

The Result

Multiple “communities” (aka categories) with each product listed within them.

Calcite Design System

During the project, I worked in-depth with the Calcite Design System to ensure the UI and branding on the community aligned with Esri guidelines.