Givesmart Product Design

Product Overview

Donor Management Platform

  • Donor Management

  • Volunteer Management

  • Reporting

  • Gift and Pledge Management

Online Fundraising Platform

  • Subscriptions

  • Crowdfunding

  • Text-to-Donate

  • Surveys

  • Registration

  • Donations

Virtual + In Person Events Platform

  • Mobile Bidding and Auctions

  • Ticketing and Seating Management

  • Campaign and Event Management

Research + Insights

Organization vs. Donor Profiles

Based on user feedback, creating profiles for users to donate or purchase items on behalf of their organization or company has been a top priority. Although it may sounds simple, aligning this across three unique platforms turned out to be more challenging than expected.

“How can we differentiate individual donors from organizations?”

" How do we manage single sign on with in Organization?"

"Should we call it Organization, Company, Entity, Other...?"

“How can we differentiate individual donors from organizations?” • " How do we manage single sign on with in Organization?" • "Should we call it Organization, Company, Entity, Other...?" •


This feature will provide nonprofit admins with more accurate and reliable data around donor profiles.


We leveraged Pendo to survey end users and gain a better understanding of their needs and requirements.



I created a Prototype to help convey the functionality of how the form could work in one of the platforms (Donor CRM). As seen in the prototype, this approach give users flexibility to update a primary contact for the Org - a highly needed outcome found from the survey.

Project Overview

Learn more about the project from start to finish. You’ll need to create an account in Figma in order to view the deck.

Artificial Intelligence

Generate Text with AI

While at GiveSmart we leveraged AI to help users write prompts and engaging messeages to their donors and volunteers


Provide over 10K users with more concise and effective Text-to-Donate and Text-to-Subscribe messages.